Importance of public opinion studies: their application and segmentation of the market in Mexico

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Alejandra Zarzosa Codocedo
Rosario Cota-Yáñez
Ulises Rodríguez Cota


The objective of this work includes the carrying out of a descriptive analysis of the industry of public opinion and market studies in Mexico, the main characteristics of the market from the perspective of supply and demand, as well as market segmentation by type of product. The implemented methodology consists of the application of in-depth interviews focused on various sectors, such as public servants, candidates in electoral elections, campaign advisers and strategists, academic experts, directors of areas of information management and research in the private sector, such as agency directors and independent consultants on market research and public opinion. The final result tries to offer a vision about the dimension, specialization and professionalization of this industry in constant growth in Mexico. They are presented to public opinion and market studies as an indispensable tool for information gathering, analysis and decision-making, which make it possible to measure the preferences of the plaintiffs in any field. In the same way that it shows, explains and analyzes what is the relationship and the degree of importance that emanate from them; Its importance lies in the fact that in recent years, they have come into force in various market segments, such as the electoral, public and private sectors, among others.


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How to Cite
Zarzosa Codocedo, Alejandra, Rosario Cota-Yáñez, and Ulises Rodríguez Cota. 2020. “Importance of public opinion studies: their application and segmentation of the market in Mexico”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 52 (July):95-117.
Author Biographies

Alejandra Zarzosa Codocedo, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guadalajara

Research Professor at the University of Guadalajara, Master in Global Marketing from the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies. Graduated in Marketing, she has specialized in conducting Opinion Studies. Research lines Marketing, Market Studies, Local Development.

Rosario Cota-Yáñez, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guadalajara

Professor-Researcher of the Department of Regional Studies of the University of Guadalajara (DER / INESER). Degree in Economics, Master in Regional Development with a specialty in Public Policy, Doctor in Social Sciences with a specialty in Regional Development. It belongs to the Academic Body Productive Restructuring and Local Studies UDG 643. Lines of research: local development, small companies, public policies. Postal address: Periférico Norte 799, Module M. 2nd. Level, Los Belenes University Center, Department of Regional Studies (DER-INESER) CP. 45100, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Telephone 37703404 and 37703300 ext. 25253.

Ulises Rodríguez Cota, Pasante de la licenciatura en Comunicación y Periodismo Deportivo del Instituto José Ramón Fernández

Intern of the degree in Communication and Sports Journalism. José Ramón Fernández Institute. Currently he disseminates on social networks (Facebook and Instagram) relevant information on the results of soccer, American, and baseball games, among others. Page: Sports Summary registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), No. 2044657.


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