Brand contents: a taxonomic proposal

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Araceli Castelló Martínez
Cristina Del Pino Romero


The article reflects on the wide variety of existing concepts to make reference to the so-called brand contents, such as advertainment, branded contentor branded entertainment, among others. From the bibliographic review, a taxonomic proposal is made, including in the classification other terms that also allude to contents, especially disseminated in digital platforms, such as inbound marketing, native advertising or advergaming. The variables selected for the classification are the type of support in which the actions are usually present (digital or not) and the objectives of persuasive communication at the service of which they are designed (advertising or corporate). The results show the relationship of interdependence between the concepts used to talk about brand content, the concepts branded contentand advertainmentbeing the most used. 


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Castelló Martínez, Araceli, and Cristina Del Pino Romero. 2018. “Brand contents: a taxonomic proposal”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, November, 125-42.
Author Biographies

Araceli Castelló Martínez

Professor of the University of the University of Alicante with a six-year term (2009-2014), teaches in the studies of Advertising and Public Relations. Doctor in Communication, Master in Integral Communication, Executive Master in Community Management and Degree in Advertising and RR .PP., With extraordinary prize of Degree and second national prize. She has also been a professor at CEU-Cardenal Herrera University and has collaborated in various postgraduate courses at different universities. He has worked in media agencies and digital media in Spain and Belgium and has published numerous publications on advertising planning, digital communication and creative strategy. It has more than 530 citations in Google Scholar, with an h index of 12 and an i10 index of 17 (February 2018).

Cristina Del Pino Romero, UC3M

PhD in Information Sciences from the University of Málaga, with a thesis based on brand placement. She has taught Advertising courses at the University of Alicante (2000-2006) and has been visiting professor at the Department of Communication at UCLA (2009). Currently, she is a professor of Advertising Communication, New Advertising Forms and Advertising and Communication, at the Carlos III University of Madrid. She is a researcher at the Cultural Research Laboratory of the UC3M, the "Communication and Specific Publics" Research Group of the University of Alicante and the Tecmerin Research Group of the UC3M. She has been deputy director of the Master in Branded Content and Transmedia Communication at UC3M (2013-2015). It has more than 410 appointments in Google Scholar, with an index h of 11 and an index i10 of 12. 


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