Design of the study of a research project: the case of the operational behavior of the veterinary sector companies

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Miguel Ángel Latorre Guillem
Sandra Alfonso Sargues
Mª Cristina Muñoz García


The development of this paper that studies the behavior and performance of companies in the veterinary sector.The objective is to be a reference for other researchers in the actions that we consider suitable to follow in the design of a research project.Thus, the various complications that we have found in this question make us think of the interest that it may arouse in the rest of the researchers.Therefore, this paper aims to study, on the one hand, an improvement in the quality of veterinary care.And, on the other hand, achieve business benefits that incorporate economic stability in the activity of veterinary hospitals.For this purpose, this research project presents a line of action that starts from the review of the literature and the creation of a sample of the Spanish veterinary sector that allow the formulation of the necessary hypotheses to carry out this study.The methodology proposed in this paper uses the economic - financial information that comes from the annual accounts of the companies of the sample we made.This way, the paper pursues in its design to perform an analysis within the operational behavior of the sector.And present proposals for improvement in the business model of "San Vicente Mártir" veterinary hospital of the Catholic University of Valencia.


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How to Cite
Latorre Guillem, Miguel Ángel, Sandra Alfonso Sargues, and Mª Cristina Muñoz García. 2018. “Design of the study of a research project: the case of the operational behavior of the veterinary sector companies”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, November, 107-24.
Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Latorre Guillem, Universidad Católica de Valencia "San Vicente Mártir"

Accredited Doctor in the area of corporate finance of the Catholic University of Valencia "San Vicente Mártir" where he develops his activity as a teacher and researcher in the Accounting, Finance and Management Control Department of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. He also has teaching experience in other institutions such as the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia. The research activity presents publications in the area of Corporate Finance and teaching innovation where he belongs as a Principal Investigator (IP) in the Finance and Insurance Research Group.

Sandra Alfonso Sargues, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”

Doctor of the Catholic University of Valencia "San Vicente Mártir" where she works as a teacher and researcher in the Accounting, Finance and Management Control department of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. The research activity focuses on the economic, financial and efficiency analysis of the Autonomous Communities.

Mª Cristina Muñoz García, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”

Professor of the Catholic University of Valencia "San Vicente Mártir" where she works as a teacher and researcher in the Department of Economics and Accounting, Finance and Management Control of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. He also has teaching experience in other institutions such as the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia. The research activity focuses on the barriers that companies encounter in international public procurement.


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