Social skills in academic performance in teens
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The prosocial behavior plays an important paper in the academic performance of the teenagers. This type of behavior has a positive impact both on self-assessment and on the evaluation of others, which in turn contributes to the adolescent feeling motivated to act prosocially. By means of the fulfillment of the aims, it was achieved to describe the social skills of the enrolled in school teenagers and to analyze indicators of the prosocial behavior in the teenagers. There was applied to the teenagers a questionnaire structured and validated with Crombash's Alfa. The approach of the problem was made through qualitative-descriptive research which seeks to determine the incidence of variables, so as to have a value judgment to reach the conclusions that allow to propose the most appropriate proposal to the existing problem, and to seek the Integral formation of the students, Considering that the teacher should be seen as a biopsychosocial being. Social behaviors allowed knowing the development of intervention experiences in the educational context, the identification of skills favor socialization with peers and between students and teachers to promote their skills and behaviors.
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