Approaching the drawing through an audiovisual project

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Antonio Horno López
Joaquín David Garrido Parrilla


It is well known that education is committed to innovation and learning methodologies that go beyond the traditional resources used within the classroom. The use of new technologies, the incorporation of sound, image and movement, creates a new methodological resource that allows the integration and participation of students in classroom activities. This work analyses the advantages and disadvantages found during the execution of an audiovisual project in the subject "Plastic Arts and Audiovisual Culture in Primary Education" at the University of Jaén. Through the incorporation of the most up-to-date digital tools and the structuring in work teams, it has been possible to promote cooperative work and the interest of students, often saturated by theoretical work and master classes.


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How to Cite
Horno López, Antonio, and Joaquín David Garrido Parrilla. 2018. “Approaching the drawing through an audiovisual project”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 46 (July):117-25.
Author Biographies

Antonio Horno López, University of Jaén

Doctor of Fine Arts and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Granada, he is currently Assistant Professor Doctor in the Drawing Area of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Oral Expression of the University of Jaén. His research line has focused mainly on the field of animation, giving rise to numerous publications in national and international journals of recognized prestige. Author of the book "The language of the anime. From the paper to the screen" by Diábolo Ediciones, he directs and coordinates the postgraduate course of the University of Granada "Japanese Animation. History, aesthetics and production process".


Joaquín David Garrido Parrilla, University of Jaén

He has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Granada and a doctorate from the University of Jaén. Master of Digital Cinema from the International Film School of Philosophy and Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching from the University of Jaén. He is currently a professor of the Master's degree in Cinematography at the Philosophy Film School of Granada. His line of work is based on the study of the Media and their influence on Society and Education. 


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