Electronic word of mouth communication in the social media. Analysis of its background

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José Ramón Sarmiento Guede
José Rodríguez Terceño


In recent years, electronic Word of Mouth Communication has developed exponentially, due to social media and the advances made in electronic commerce. A situation that has arrived with a greater perception of the phenomenons associated to it, such as false info, unprecise facts, un-checked news, manipulation and spontaneous generation of movements around said information. What has came to be known as “post-truth. In this context, the main Objective of this paper is to identify the dimensions that are related to and directly influence the development of electronic Word of Mouth Communication. To this end, the Methodology of the in-depth interview technique and the technique of the online survey have been used in the methodology; this survey was applied to social media users throughout Spain. To analyze the results, the linear regression model was used. As a conclusion we can affirm that the dimensions of quality perception, value perception and satisfaction that users develop in social media has a direct influence on electronic Word of Mouth Communication.


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How to Cite
Sarmiento Guede, José Ramón, and José Rodríguez Terceño. 2018. “Electronic word of mouth communication in the social media. Analysis of its background”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 45 (March):129-48. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2018.45.129-148.
Author Biography

José Ramón Sarmiento Guede, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja y ESERP Business School

Profesor colaborador de Marketing de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) y de ESERP Business School


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