From offline to online collaboration: Theoretical approach on human cooperation studies and the sharing economy / De la colaboración fuera de línea a la línea: enfoque teórico sobre los estudios de cooperación humana y la economía colaborativa

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Esther Martos Carrion


Since the mid-60´s, several scientific approaches based on social experiments, observational techniques and ethnographic methodologies have been issued seeking to explore and understand (offline) human behaviours in terms of cooperation and community building as well as selfish rational actions. However, over the last decade, an innovative socio-economic system, technologically driven and entirely based on online platforms, the sharing economy appears to disrupt stablished manners of collaboration. This study considers that, given the novelty of the sharing economy, there is still a lack of empirical studies attempting to compare and connect both offline and online forms of acting together. Thus, the main goal of this paper is to understand to what extent relevant theories on human cooperation, formulated from 1965 onwards, might be suitable for explaining the collaborative behaviour of the digitally driven sharing economy. 


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How to Cite
Martos Carrion, Esther. 2018. “From offline to online collaboration: Theoretical approach on human cooperation studies and the sharing economy / De la colaboración fuera de línea a la línea: enfoque teórico sobre los estudios de cooperación humana y la economía colaborativa”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 46 (July):35-51.
Author Biography

Esther Martos Carrion, Charles University of Prague

She is researcher at the Charles University of Prague in the Czech Republic. She role within the Historical Sociology Department is focused on the exploration of the sharing economy and its social impact.  She studied engineering in industrial design, a bachelor in communication and a master degree in visuals arts and multimedia, all three at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. She is also co-founder of the p2p homemade food platform Mealby and sharing economy advisor of the car-sharing platform HireGo, a community fully driven by the blockchain technology. In addition, she is one of the coordinators o the Collaborative Economy Research Network


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