A holistic view on J. Edgar Hoover: myth and man

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Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés


Clint Eastwood has emerged as one of the most important directors of the American commercial cinema. His work in 2011 on the life and work of J. Edgar Hoover obtained from the most acidic to the greatest compliments reviews. Eastwood constructs a biopic of the same way it did when he shot "Bird" in 1988, that is, with leaps forward and backward continuous history, and even backflips in previous flashbacks. Respond if this movie fits into the stylistic cinematography found in the illustrious filmmaker California.


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How to Cite
Gonzálvez Vallés, Juan Enrique. 2013. “A holistic view on J. Edgar Hoover: myth and man”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 31 (July):70-87. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2013.31.70-87.
Author Biography

Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Profesor del centro de estudios Formatik, asociado a la Universidad Camilo José Cela. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Concilium de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciado en Periodismo con Diploma de Estudios Avanzados. Profesionalmente ha ejercido como periodista en diversos medios de comunicaciones y entidades.


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