Image of the white brands in the food sector according to the perspective of the Spanish consumer

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Mónica Matellanes Lazo
Alba Villota Mancebo
Raquel Fernández Merino


The value of private labels in the food sector has varied greatly in recent years. The marketing mix is facilitating distributors that white markings can compete at the same level as the manufacturer. Currently, many consumers believe that white brands offer quality products at a very competitive price, important aspect, strategically seen. This allows the market to supply a consumer’s profiles which is excluded of the target willing to pay for the brand, offering him what he wants: more product in exchange of of the same ammount of money. An amount that, due to the commercial packaging, ends up being the same or greater profits for the companies, and increasing business activity. It also allow the big brands to create their own “white brands” in order to monetize their excedents. Which, by any other means, might end up being mere un-productive items in the companie’s balance?  This research aims to analyze the perception of these brands with a local show in Spain and know the valuation of consumers; You like to know which distributor enjoys greater notoriety through their white markings.


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How to Cite
Matellanes Lazo, Mónica, Alba Villota Mancebo, and Raquel Fernández Merino. 2018. “Image of the white brands in the food sector according to the perspective of the Spanish consumer”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 45 (March):103-20.
Author Biography

Mónica Matellanes Lazo, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes de Valladolid

Departamento Ciencias Sociales  - Comunicación

Profesor Agregado


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