Concepts to understand organizational innovation

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Alberto Navarro Alvarado
Rosario Cota-Yañez
Cynthia Dinorah González Moreno


This paper exposes four aspects that must be considered in the study of organizational structure of the modern organization: the firm as a socio-economic unit, functionality, innovation and competitiveness. This is to say: re-organize it under real efficiency criteria, not priorizing un-productive executive cadres over mid-cadres needed in order to develop effective activity and a viable expansion Project, not only on paper but in practice too. An organization designe for the global benefit of the company and its associates, able to react and to make long-term plans, resulting in a solid and reliable economic institution able to produce profits for longer periods of time. The thematic is taken from a dynamic point of view, integrating these four elements in a theoretical construct that provides solid basis of organizational structure theory that promotes the firm performance in aspects such as competitiveness and innovation. At this point, emerges a very interesting debate, about cause-effect interaction among competitiveness and innovation, inscribing this theoretical issue as one of the most important contributions from this investigation on a field of study that based most of its principles on complementary suppositions, exogenous variables and circumstantial relativities to explain just one phenomenon: the organization.


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How to Cite
Navarro Alvarado, Alberto, Rosario Cota-Yañez, and Cynthia Dinorah González Moreno. 2018. “Concepts to understand organizational innovation”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 45 (March):87-101.
Author Biography

Rosario Cota-Yañez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor investigador


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