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Ana María Botella Nicolás
José Rafael Adell Valero


This article will attempt to demonstrate the fundamentals that have inspired a musical learning methodology aimed at any educational level. The consolidation of two existing methodologies is proposed: the first is the cooperative approach, and the second is project-based learning (PBL). Both have merged to enhance educational achievement. Finally, its application in real secondary education and teacher training degrees will be outlined.


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Botella Nicolás, Ana María, and José Rafael Adell Valero. 2019. “CONCEPTUAL BASES FOR THE DESIGN OF A METHODOLOGY OF MUSICAL DIDACTICS”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 49 (May):1-18.
Author Biographies

Ana María Botella Nicolás, Universitat de València

PhD in pedagogy from the University of Valencia. She has a degree in Geography and History, a specialty in Musicology and a teacher in Music Education, from the University of Oviedo. Professional degree in the specialty of piano. During the year 2001 he obtains by opposition a position in the body of secondary school music teachers in Alicante (currently on leave). He has presented several communications in conferences and conferences on music didactics as well as different publications. She is a hired professor in the department of didactics of the Musical, Plastic and Body Expression of the Teaching Faculty of the Universitat de València. He is part of the Academic Coordination Committee of the University Master in Secondary School Teacher of the UVEG and of the Master of Research in specific didactics. Since February 2015, he has directed the Music Hall of the Vice-rectorate of Culture and Equality.

José Rafael Adell Valero, Florida Universitaria (Universitat de València)

Doctor in Music Thesis: Cooperative learning by projects in university music education: principles, planning and exposure of experiences. Graduate with a degree in Biological Sciences from the Universitat de València. Higher teacher of tuba, Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatory of Valencia. He has been a professor of Sciences and Music at ESO since 1999. He is currently a professor at Florida Universitària (Universitat de València).


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