Analysis of leadership and its relationship with labor motivation in S.E.R.L.I. Society Pro-Rehabilitation in Guayaquil in the year 2016

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Vicente Napoleón Checa Calderón
Tomás Humberto Rodríguez Caguana


This research is based on the line of research of company's social management systems, to analyze the leadership (independent variable) and labor motivation (dependent variable). Analyzing as research problem, how does it affect organizational leadership in labor motivation of employees of the Ecuadorian Society Pro-Rehabilitation of Crippled in Guayaquil City in 2016? And focused on the overall goal of "Analyze the influence of leadership on staff's labor motivation from the southern headquarters of the Ecuadorian Society Pro-Rehabilitation of Crippled in 2016". It is set methodologically the foundations of the philosophical school of rationalism, it is applied the descriptive research complemented by direct observation processes and case studies. The theoretical framework is analyzed through five edges, the first two are the study variables leadership and labor motivation, the other three edges are human resources, organization and the work environment, which revolve around the two study variables. Aspects analyzed based on the hypothesis “The three-dimensional style of leadership influences labor motivation of the southern headquarters of the Ecuadorian Society Pro-Rehabilitation of Crippled, in 2016.” Obtaining the survey results, it is defined the project proposal supported by the respective budget, the scope of the objectives and the implementation plan. The conclusions are directly connected to the objectives presented and recommendations are addressed to the improvement of the processes of the institution under study. 


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How to Cite
Checa Calderón, Vicente Napoleón, and Tomás Humberto Rodríguez Caguana. 2017. “Analysis of leadership and its relationship with labor motivation in S.E.R.L.I. Society Pro-Rehabilitation in Guayaquil in the year 2016”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 44 (November):155-70.
Author Biographies

Vicente Napoleón Checa Calderón, Sociedad de Beneficiencia

Master Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Universidad Tecnológico Empresarial de Guayaquil, Ingeniero Comercial, Especialización en Finanzas y Contador.

Tomás Humberto Rodríguez Caguana, Universidad de Guayaquil

Doctorante en Filosofía
Magíster en Comunicación
Diplomado en Comunicación
Licenciado en Comunicación
Gestor de Investigación


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