Application in the cloud Lucidchart: a tool needed for the innovation of the educational process in the 21st century?

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Ricardo Adán Salas Rueda
José De Jesús Vázquez Estupiñán


The development of digital tools is causing significant changes in teaching and learning. In particular, this mixed research evaluates the impact of the cloud application Lucidchart to describe the functioning and behavior of IT systems through the development of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. The sample is composed of 22 students who study the course Application Development at the University La Salle Campus Mexico City during the 2017 school year. This quantitative and qualitative study analyzes this software considering the aspects of functionality, learning, tool for the educational process, interface and service on the network. In conclusion, this research recommends the cloud applications available on Google Drive as Lucidchart for the purpose of building innovative educational experiences.


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How to Cite
Salas Rueda, Ricardo Adán, and José De Jesús Vázquez Estupiñán. 2017. “Application in the cloud Lucidchart: a tool needed for the innovation of the educational process in the 21st century?”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 44 (November):115-26.
Author Biography

José De Jesús Vázquez Estupiñán, Universidad La Salle México

Licenciado en Administración de Empresas y en Periodismo. Posgrado en Alta Dirección por el IPADE. Maestría en Derecho por la UNAM y Doctorado en Educación por la Universidad La Salle. Posdoctorado en School of Education Texas A&M University College Station. Además de desempeñar varios cargos directivos dentro de la Universidad, fungió como Rector de la Universidad La Salle Morelia hasta el 2011. Miembro fundador del Movimiento Juvenil Lasallista: Titular de la Secretaría de Jóvenes en el Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán y actualmente, es Director de la Facultad de Negocios de la Universidad La Salle México.


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