Teacher Training on Gender Issues

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Inmaculada Gómez Jarabo
Primitivo Sánchez Delgado


There have been many advances. However, women are still far from achieving real equality with men and, in some cases, they still undergo physical, psychological, verbal, sexual assaults... aggressions that, sometimes, have their origin in the ideas historically and culturally transmitted from generation to generation. Some people believe that domestic violence does not affect the new generations, but the latest research shows us a very different situation: schools are the first stage of gender abuse. Therefore, teachers' work is essential in detecting and treating violence, in improving school life and in training and raising awareness on gender issues. The piece of research contained herein intends to reveal whether teachers are ready for that and whether teacher training takes these issues into account. In this article, we show some of the most relevant results of research on "teacher training for the educational treatment of conflicts on cultural diversity and gender". The results state, in consistence with others previous pieces of research, the fact that there are significant gaps in the training of teachers in gender, gender coexistence, conflict management and violence issues.


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How to Cite
Gómez Jarabo, Inmaculada, and Primitivo Sánchez Delgado. 2017. “Teacher Training on Gender Issues”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 43 (July):53-68. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2017.43.53-68.
Author Biographies

Inmaculada Gómez Jarabo, Complutense University of Madrid

Bachelor’s degree and PhD in Pedagogy from the Complutense University of Madrid, with experience as a teacher in both formal and non-formal education. She currently works as an associate professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the UCM and as an autonomous professional (dedicated to professional development). Priority lines of work and research: Interculturality, gender, coexistence, initial and ongoing teacher training and ICTs applied to education.


Primitivo Sánchez Delgado, Complutense University of Madrid

Full Professor of University in the DOE Department of the Complutense University (UCM). Bachelor’s degree and Doctor of CC. of Education with an Extraordinary Prize by the UCM. Graduated in Fª y Letters (Hª) from the University of Salamanca. He has been a teacher at all levels of the educational system. Research lines: Personal and professional development of teachers and educators, interculturality, inclusion, education for peace.



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