Model of production of didactic videos for the Face-To-Face Modality of University Education
Main Article Content
The present article describes a model that allows to produce didactic videos and it is deduced from the doctoral thesis "Design and validation of a model of production of didactic videos for the face to face modality of the university teaching". In addition, it is a contribution to the project "Design and implementation of an edu-communicative model to promote the culture of peace in the Caribbean region" (PRYINT-081-2017) developed at the Autonomous University of the Caribbean. A three-stage research was developed for its design. The first: It was diagnosed, under a quantitative approach, the didactic use that the university teachers of the city of Barranquilla give to the audiovisual. The second one was developed with a qualitative approach and was aimed to consult a group of specialists in teaching and audiovisual production on the design of a model of production of didactic videos. The third: validated the model through the technique of 'expert judgment'. The nature of this study is framed within the complexity represented by the processing of audiovisual language and required a methodological treatment that would cover different dimensions of reality from a holistic perspective. Finally, an original model is presented that is applicable, since its viability was validated through expert judgment.
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