“Mirar mal” and "descanso”. Intersubjective dynamics sings in youth and adult education

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Darío Gabriel Martínez


This piece of research analyzes two native categories, "looking disapprovingly" and "rest", to understand the intersubjective relationships of students attending educational spaces for youth and adults. The analysis perspective is situated in the communication / education field that seeks to transcend the reductionism that places communication in the media and education in school. With these present observations, the article seeks to reflect about the construction processes of subjectivities that the young people who are finishing their educational trajectories in the city of La Plata, Argentina, go through. On the other hand, elements of conceptualization are outlined to reflect on contemporary subjectivities in the context of media culture.


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How to Cite
Martínez, Darío Gabriel. 2017. “‘Mirar mal” and "descanso’. Intersubjective dynamics sings in youth and adult education”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 43 (July):151-68. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2017.43.151-168.
Author Biography

Darío Gabriel Martínez, National University of La Plata

Postdoctoral fellow at CONICEt. Professor of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication (UNLP). Dr. in Communication. Mag. In Planning and Management of Communication Processes.


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