Particularities and contradictions on American film industry in the beginnings of the Classic Period

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José Hernández Rubio


The beginning of American cinema known as “classic” period was also affected by the huge change that the United States would undergo at the dawning of the 1930s, which also affected social and cultural areas. In that hectic context of forced withdrawal, the Great Depression, the film industry was severely affected by the socio-economic crisis; but it is well known that in that period, new methods and forms of cinema were being favored, which were to achieve enormous success, with enormous influence on the production of the rest of the world. The intention of this study is precisely to research the particularities of the first North American classical cinema, which derived from open and almost inexplicable contradictions, which nevertheless resulted in the boom and consolidation of the seventh art, reaching even our days. For this paper, I have based myself on the comments of several well-known critics, economists and historians, as well as other lesser known scholars. Likewise, several films made at that time have clearly shown me about the reality of the country. All have contributed specific and very valuable notions that confirm the final result of grandeur and influence of the film industry, despite the special juncture of the United States at that time.


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How to Cite
Hernández Rubio, José. 2017. “Particularities and contradictions on American film industry in the beginnings of the Classic Period”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 43 (July):115-33.
Author Biography

José Hernández Rubio, University Carlos III

Doctor of Humanities, Carlos III University of Madrid. Professor courses in Film and Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad del Mar (University of Murcia).


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