Implication of the learning model based on collaborative projects in the university context

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Ruth Zamora Sánchez
Marcelo Mantilla Falcón
Paúl Pullas Tapia
Hector Fernando Gomez Alvarado


Collaborative learning consists in the realization of team-work where social, personal and proffesional skills are practiced. This article represents the results of an opinion survey that we realized with 96 students from some Ecuadorian Universities in December in 2016. This survey deals with aspects that are connected with collaborative teaching tecniques at classrooms. The article also contains a brief revision of different learning models. The results show that the application of this teaching system in high education is problematic for some students. However more than 60% of the survey respondents admitted that team-work may help then in their future profession. Furthermore they acquired more knowledge through this way of learning.


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How to Cite
Zamora Sánchez, Ruth, Marcelo Mantilla Falcón, Paúl Pullas Tapia, and Hector Fernando Gomez Alvarado. 2018. “Implication of the learning model based on collaborative projects in the university context”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 46 (July):01-11.
Author Biographies

Ruth Zamora Sánchez, University of the Basque Country

Diploma in Business Studies, University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU . She has a degree in Business Administration, University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU and Master of Business Management, University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU, Doctoral student in the Doctorate program "Entrepreneurial management knowledge innovation" at the   University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU .

Marcelo Mantilla Falcón, Technical University of Ambato

Doctor of Education Sciences; Master of University Teaching and Master of Educational Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Paúl Pullas Tapia, Technical University of Ambato

PhD student from the Applied Pedagogy Program - Pedagogical Models, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy; and Bachelor of Pedagogy. Technical University of Ambato.

Hector Fernando Gomez Alvarado, Technical University of Ambato

PhD. in Computing from the National University of Distance Education, Expert in Geographic Information Systems, International University of Andalusia. PostDoc in the ETS-Canada. Computer Engineer at Loja-Ecuador Technical Particular University.   Teaching researcher and Director of full-time postgraduate studies at the Technical University of Ambato.


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