Towards a history of musical education in Spain: considerations around the valencian case

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Ana María Botella Nicolás
Rosa Isusi Fagoaga


In this paper, we propose a globalizing, historical and reflective view on musical education in the city of Valencia with the aim of broadening the perspective on this phenomenon and opening a work space to detect its weak points and contribute to its improvement. We approach the main institutions and music centers and take a tour of the different curricula through which the subject has passed at different educational levels. We use a qualitative methodology and perform a content analysis of the main documentary written sources. The results show certain parallels with other places in Spain and some local particularities. We observe a disconnection between the different educational institutions at the moment, as well as scarce pedagogical training and little cohesion among the group of professionals of musical teaching. On the other hand, we see a need for methodological renewal and an almost non-existent dissemination of musicological studies in the education system.


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How to Cite
Botella Nicolás, Ana María, and Rosa Isusi Fagoaga. 2018. “Towards a history of musical education in Spain: considerations around the valencian case”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 46 (July):13-27.
Author Biographies

Ana María Botella Nicolás, Universitat de València

PhD in pedagogy from the University of Valencia. She has a degree in Geography and History, a specialty in Musicology and in teacher of Musical Education, from the University of Oviedo. Professional degree in the specialty of piano. During the year 2001, she obtains by opposition a position in the body of secondary school music teachers in Alicante (currently on leave). She has presented several communications in conferences on music didactics as well as different publications. She is a hired professor in the department of didactic of the Musical, Plastic and Body Expression of the Faculty of Teaching of the Universitat de València. She is part of the Academic Coordination Committee of the University Master in Secondary School Teaching of the UVEG and of the Master of Research in specific didactics. Since February 2015, she has directed the music classroom of the Vice-rectorate of Culture and Equality.

Rosa Isusi Fagoaga, Universitat de València

Doctor of History of Art: Musicology, graduated in Conservatory and Diploma in Philology. She is a Professor of Didactics of Musical Expression at the University of Valencia since 2014. She has been a Secondary Education teacher for twenty years, Associate Professor at the Complutense Universities of Madrid and San Vicente Mártir de Valencia and she has collaborated with the Universities of Málaga and Valencian International. She is a member of the Governing Board of the Spanish Society of Musicology. She has coordinated the online cataloging of the musical heritage preserved at the Royal College-Seminary of Corpus Christi in Valencia, a project funded by the CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana. She has about thirty publications. Her main lines of research are the recovery of the Hispanic musical heritage with applications in teaching and the improvement of quality in university education.


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