Importance of the distribution of contact frequencies in media planning

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Vicente Badenes i Pla
Aurora García González


GRPs, Coverage and OTS are three key concepts present in any media planning. They represent the unit of measure in the advertising market, the benchmark that allows determining the extent to which the objectives set out in a media planning have been met. It would be highly recommended to join these indicators with a distribution of contact frequencies that allows us to know in greater depth the reality of the results obtained. Through the dissection of the results obtained by a frequency distribution, this article reviews the importance and usefulness of this simple statistical grouping of data.


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How to Cite
Badenes i Pla, Vicente, and Aurora García González. 2017. “Importance of the distribution of contact frequencies in media planning”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 43 (July):99-114.
Author Biographies

Vicente Badenes i Pla, University of Vigo

Managing Director of Ingeniomedia (Grupo Zertem) and teaches at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of Vigo, as Associate Professor.

Aurora García González, University of Vigo

Doctor of Public Communication and, currently, Full Professor of Journalism with accreditation for the Staff of Professors, in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the University of Vigo. She is the Director of the Departmental Communication and IP Section of the Research Group CS1 (ICOM) of the same University. Author of many scientific publications and articles. She teaches the subject "Public Opinion", in the Degree of Publicity and the course "Models of radio: innovations and social uses" in the Master’s course in Research in Communication.


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