Proposal for intergenerational communication between third age and young people in the knowledge society

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Beatriz Peña Acuña
Silvia Pezzoli


Old age as a social issue is gaining more interest due to demographic calculations that predict that within a few decades these citizens will be the largest segment of the population. A fact that has and is provoking a heated social debate because of the relevant consequences it has for several generations of citizens. A debate even harder because of it’s deep implications with another social dilemma: inmigration. Which is, at first sight, the quickest answer to the problem but, once again, crosses it’s path with another great social problem: the dire need for work and the high rates of unemployment for those new generations we need in order to improve the pension system.  We aim to review the topic of the elderly, to seek theoretical foundations, to discover where the discussion appears, the different points of view and actions, to later make a creative proposal that reflects the real needs of this segment and the social system as a whole. The methodology that has been used in this dissertation has consisted in an analytical and qualitative review of documents belonging to authors and projects to discern the status quo of the issue. The approach of the question is multidisciplinary from Education, Communication and Sociology approach.


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How to Cite
Peña Acuña, Beatriz, and Silvia Pezzoli. 2018. “Proposal for intergenerational communication between third age and young people in the knowledge society”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 45 (March):01-14.
Author Biographies

Beatriz Peña Acuña, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). España.

Profesora Titular acreditada por ANECA. Imparte docencia en el Departamento de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, en el Máster de Marketing y Comunicación y en Posgrado de la Universidad Católica San Antonio (Murcia, España). Formación multidisciplinar con tres carreras: Filología Hispánica, Diplomatura de Estudios Religiosos y Periodismo. Dirige tesis doctorales. Premio extraordinario de doctorado (2012). Lidera el grupo internacional y multidisciplinar “Desarrollo personal”. La producción científica es prolífica. Otros títulos a destacar “Estudios sobre Periodismo y Televisión” (Vision net), “Dirección de Comunicación y habilidades directivas” (Dykinson), “Comunicación política” (ACCI), “Periodismo especializado” (ACCI). Dirige varias colecciones (ACCI; MediaXXI; Cambridge publishing scholar). Revisora en varios Journals y revistas especializadas en Comunicación. Imparte conferencias internacionales. Premiada con el President´s Lifetime Achievement Award (2015)

Silvia Pezzoli, Universidad de Florencia. Italia.

Investigador en Sociología de los procesos culturales y comunicativos y profesor Asistente en Ciencias de la Información y Culturales Sociología en la Universidad de Florencia.



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