Ethics in the tourist accommodation sector as a source of competitive advantage

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Mario Barquero Cabrero


In the last decades, most companies have developed social responsibility strategies as an integral part of business ethics. The tourist accommodation sector, especially the hotels, is no stranger to this trend. The hotel sector has a special impact - positive or negative - on the natural, cultural and social resources of the areas in which it operates. The United Nations and other agencies are aware of the potential of this activity to contribute to minimizing adverse effects and participating in the construction of a more sustainable planet, and have urged the private sector to intervene through a more responsible and committed behavior. In this article, we try to analyze how the investments in CSR and the changes in the activities or processes in the hotels have repercussions on the profits in the business, both from the point of view of the consideration and valuation of the investors, as well as from the point Of view of a current tourist, increasingly responsible and informed on the models of management of the companies.


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How to Cite
Barquero Cabrero, Mario. 2017. “Ethics in the tourist accommodation sector as a source of competitive advantage”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 42 (March):119-30.


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