Artistic revolution in Russia against the soviet revolution

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María Magdalena Ziegler Delgado


The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been considered the essential cause of the awakening of the artistic avant-garde of that country for a long time. One hundred years after the revolutionary events on the political and social scenes, we examined the development of the Russian artistic avant-garde prior to 1917, during the events of the October Revolution of that year and thereafter until 1932. Avant-garde ideas were already present and active in Tsarist Russia and that the Revolution of 1917 would only provide a more glaring framework for the proposals of avant-garde artists. In the same way, it will be demonstrated how the new Soviet status quo ended up drowning the vanguard vortex and establishing a methodology of action and production in art that would be far from the originality of the avant-garde works prior to 1917.


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How to Cite
Ziegler Delgado, María Magdalena. 2017. “Artistic revolution in Russia against the soviet revolution”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 42 (March):26-44.
Author Biography

María Magdalena Ziegler Delgado, Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela

Doctora en Historia (UCAB), Magister en Historia de las Américas (UCAB), Licenciada en Artes (UCV), Profesora a Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Metropolitana.


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