Dramatization and social abilities in primary education. Case study: a student, suffering bullying, with assertive difficulties.
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Programmes which are often full of repetitive aims and contents, frequently separate infants and youths from the joy of experimentation, from the pleasure of creation, from communicating with others, from the knowledge of the values of their classmates surrounding them. We must recognise that our modern society needs to humanize, to receive positive personal emotions. In exchange, we find more and more introvert boys and girls, with relationship and communicative problems. Teachers must unify, rectify and modify ourselves so that our pupils know how to include in their lives a bit of creativity and individual knowledge. Theatrical games can be a marvellous resource for working on individual and social relations and specially help those students who need to develop these types of abilities. Here we show a case study in which a student with difficulties in social abilities, and which led him to have a terrible relationship with his equals, receives therapy through a school theatre group in a normalized and inclusive manner. Managing great achievements in his personal, affective and social development. Cañas invites us to accomplish the mission of encouraging teachers to step forward towards painting with colour and love each and every centre, each and every class, each and every soul of our boys and girls.
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