The construction of the River-Boca rivalry. Symbols, speeches and rituals of the hinchismo in the process of popularization of football

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Germán Hasicic


This work offers a look backwards, whose objective has been to highlight and analyze two key aspects: on the one hand, the incorporation of football as a cultural asset in our country and its impact on the modes of socialization - mainly the role of the club - in a Stage where the national fluctuated as a result of the migratory waves of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; On the other, the history of the Club Atlético River Plate Athletic Club, from its foundation to the present day, emphasizing those cultural, symbolic and territorial aspects that have contributed to the identity construction of the institution.


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How to Cite
Hasicic, Germán. 2016. “The construction of the River-Boca rivalry. Symbols, speeches and rituals of the hinchismo in the process of popularization of football”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 41 (November):104-35.
Author Biography

Germán Hasicic, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciado en Comunicación Social.

Docente- Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social- UNLP.