Salamanca: film location and origin of professionals from cinema and musical industry during desarrollismo (1959-1975)

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Virginia Sánchez Rodríguez


The film Nueve cartas a Berta (1966, Basilio Martín Patino) is one of the exponents of the most renewing movies of the Spanish cinema of the sixties. Furthermore, this movie is also remembered, among other details, for the visual prominence of the city of Salamanca and for the reflect, in a practical way, of some of the proposals made theoretically in Conversaciones de Salamanca meeting in 1955. In this paper we offer an approach to the mentioned film, an audiovisual project where two countrymen from the same town participated. Besides the presence of Basilio Martin Patino (1930), the director of the sample, the composer Gerardo Gombau (1906-1971) was also a part of the cast crew in the musical area. An approach from the aesthetic and musical prism, and the circumstances that could determine the linkage of the musician in the Martin Patino’s film, are some of the issues included in this paper.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Rodríguez, Virginia. 2016. “Salamanca: film location and origin of professionals from cinema and musical industry during desarrollismo (1959-1975)”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 41 (November):66-81.
Author Biography

Virginia Sánchez Rodríguez, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid)

She is Associate Professor at Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid. She is a Doctor of Musicology (2013), a Bachelor of History of Art (2009), a Master of Hispanic Music (2010), a Master of Teacher Training (2011), a Professional Music Degree (2006) and an Expert in Cultural Management (2016). Her main field of research includes the study of music inserted in audiovisual contexts. She is a member of the I + D + I project "The popular song as a source of inspiration" (University of Salamanca) and a collaborating researcher for the Research and Documentation Center of the UCLM (a Unit Associated with the CSIC). She has received the 2013 Research Award for Best Doctoral Thesis (SGAE Foundation) and the 2015 "Rosario Valpuesta" Research Award (Deputation of Seville).


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