Proposal Based Learning Techniques Gianni Rodari and Games Edward De Bono for Creative Production of Literary Texts

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Maritza Álvarez Rodríguez


The creation of literary texts is an expression of creative thinking, considering the generation of new ideas and different to the elaborate frequently in classrooms. The study was proposed to build a methodological approach to producing creative texts and literary techniques based on Gianni Rodari and educational games of Edward de Bono. The research was part of the paradigm sociocritic a phenomenological approach and social etnosociológico. Methodologically information was collected from classroom college students specializing in Global Education at the Pedagogical Institute of José Manuel Siso Martínez Miranda. Keywords: Children's Literature, creative text, writing, learning games.


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Álvarez Rodríguez, Maritza. 2014. “Proposal Based Learning Techniques Gianni Rodari and Games Edward De Bono for Creative Production of Literary Texts”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 33 (March):117-31.