Advertising as a seller of dreams. A reflection from ethics

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María Teresa Pellicer Jordá


Advertising no longer only sells products, it sells much more. Sell dreams, values, models of life and, ultimately, a symbolic universe associated with that product or service advertised. The truth is that this sale of 'intangible' issues causes a series of effects on consumers, who often do not see their expectations satisfied after acquiring the product or service in question. This gives rise to an ethical reflection, since, that symbolic universe that promises the publicity is not justiciable or in any other way, since it is an implicit and difficultly verifiable promise. That is why in this article we intend to reflect on this issue and review the mechanisms through which advertising sells those dreams and life models. For this, we will make a theoretical review with the reflections and thoughts of different experts in advertising, ethics and communication.


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How to Cite
Pellicer Jordá, María Teresa. 2018. “Advertising as a seller of dreams. A reflection from ethics”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 46 (July):29-33.
Author Biography

María Teresa Pellicer Jordá, University of Murcia

She has a degree in Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations. She is also doctor by the Faculty of Communication of the University of Murcia, where she works as a teacher since year 2011, in the degree of Advertising and Public Relations.  She is author of numerous articles, related to advertising ethics, and two books and two chapters regarding advertising and communication themes.  She combines her teaching work with the coordination of AV media for the University of Murcia since 2016.


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