A Study of the Socio-political Motivations Behind the Establishment of the Principles of Urbanity in Colombia during the 19th Century

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Eugenio Carrillo Lares


Good manners, customs and courtesies have always been a subject of great importance in any society. Being courteous and respectful towards fellow citizens, as well as being receptive to courtesy when it is demonstrated towards oneself is one of the most well-preserved and maintained traditions in modern countries. Every South American nation developed a sense of civility in the post-emancipation period of the 19th century, which was emphasized through the publication of the so-named manuals of politeness. It is in these books that the accepted norms of conduct and behavior that every citizen was bound to follow were phrased. The youths were also especially encouraged to adhere to them as part of a social demand. The main objective of this article is to explore the social, cultural and political causes behind the creation of urbanity in Colombia, which are numerous and have historical ramifications from colonial times. The study has been based on the analysis of a manual of urbanity written by Pío Del Castillo. Ultimately, the relationship between courtesies and patriotism will be proven and how this influences the character as well as the identity of any citizen.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Lares, Eugenio. 2014. “A Study of the Socio-political Motivations Behind the Establishment of the Principles of Urbanity in Colombia during the 19th Century”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 33 (March):71-81. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2014.33.71-81.
Author Biography

Eugenio Carrillo Lares, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas

Estudiante de Pregrado de Estudios Liberales de la Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas. 


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