Television and metacognition: minors exposed to celebrities
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Control of television for children is justified in terms, as evidenced in this article, of the importance of celebrities and fictional characters have in their evolutionary development and self-esteem levels and metacognition. As we know, these celebrities and fictional characters, represent role models to follow, especially preteens, who may be adopting that in the time phase for cognitive development in which it is de-idealized of their own parents to idealize celebrities as the children chosen as a role model in the continuous search of their own abilities and skills. On television, the values common to all cultures (power, achievement, stimulation, hedonism, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity and security) are represented by the characters and celebrities on their spaces, indicating the predolescente those securities that give social prestige and those who absolutely do, and these, minors, which must decide on their own account. Throughout this research it demonstrates how teens interact with their favorite celebrities, and what is the role of those characters in their daily lives.
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