Erotism and Sexuality in Three Films Directed by Steven Spielberg in the Last Three Decades of the Twentieth Century

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José Díaz-Cuesta


This journal article deals with the treatmeant of sexuality and erotism in three films directed by Steven Spielberg: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Color Purple and Schindler’s List. Each of these films belongs to one of the last decades of the Twentieth century. After going through the three film texts in search of explicit or implicit references to both concepts, it can be concluded that it is possible to observe an evolution in Spielberg’s treatment with the passing of time. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind we find kisses and a subplot which mirrors the approach between a man and a woman. The Color Purple places sexual abuse at the centre of the narrative, without showing it explicityly, and dealing with lesbianism in a very delicate way. In Schindler’s List we can watch the protagonist making love with one of his lovers. But these are only samples of Spielberg’s filmography: the results we have reached invite us to keep on exploring these concepts throughout the whole of his work.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Cuesta, José. 2014. “Erotism and Sexuality in Three Films Directed by Steven Spielberg in the Last Three Decades of the Twentieth Century”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 33 (March):59-70.
Author Biography

José Díaz-Cuesta, CILAP, Universidad de La Rioja

Profesor Contratado Doctor del área de Filología Inglesa en la Universidad de La Rioja (España), y Responsable de la Unidad de Audiovisuales de la Facultad de Letras y de la Educación de esta institución. Su investigación se centra en el estudio de las representaciones de masculinidades en textos literarios y fílmicos de autores anglo-norteamericanos, así como en las relaciones que se establecen entre ambos tipos de textos. Es autor de la monografía Hombres de Steven Spielberg (2010), y ha editado, junto con Paula Requeijo Rey, el libro Innovar en el EEES a través de la investigación (2012).


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