How to analyze communication departments in hospitals and their consequences on the citizens? Example of methodology

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Lorena Busto Salinas


The article exposes the methodology used to study the quality of public relations in hospitals, as well as to determine if the number of communication departments has an influence on its quality and on new stories, and if there are any differences between the public and private sector and between internal departments and external companies. In addition, it has been studied if hospital communication influences citizens to participate in news stories and if it affects their assessment and satisfaction with the healthcare system. Two communities of Spain (Castilla y Leon and Galicia) with similar social, economic and healthcare system characteristics, but with a different communicative structure, have been chosen as objects of study. Personal interviews and a survey to communication officers of each hospital have been conducted, as well as a press analysis. In addition, an official health report has been analyzed to determine the satisfaction, assessment and selection of health centers. No evidence has been found supporting the idea that the communicative competence produces better public relations. However, it has been noted that the quality of news stories is higher in places with a greater number of press offices. In addition, citizens of these regions vote and share information more often, they consider health issues most important, they have a greater assessment of the public healthcare system and would choose this ownership over private centers.


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How to Cite
Busto Salinas, Lorena. 2016. “How to analyze communication departments in hospitals and their consequences on the citizens? Example of methodology”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 39 (March):105-26.


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