Gender Policies on Media. What Exists and What Should Exist to Regulate the Content and the Language of Journalism Information

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Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel
Graciela Padilla Castillo


This paper studies gender policies on the media in Spain, analyzing what exists and what is missing in this area. Specifically, we look for the need for media professionals to regulate language. To do this, we propose a historical analysis of the statements of intent and the equality legislation including social media and women, from the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen Declaration of Olympia de Gouges to the most recent actions of the UN and the European Union. Also, we reflect on the current Spanish laws that take into account the media, focusing on those plots lacking provisions. To do this, we use as a methodology a relevant literature review and the results of a focus group meeting with Spanish journalists working for the most important Spanish media. These professionals, largely without specific training on gender issues, recount their experiences in camera, the editorial line or the sexist language they use or are sometimes forced to use, and we propose new lines of ethical and deontological rules concerning gender, and specific training in communication and gender. 


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How to Cite
Tajahuerce Ángel, Isabel, and Graciela Padilla Castillo. 2015. “Gender Policies on Media. What Exists and What Should Exist to Regulate the Content and the Language of Journalism Information”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 37 (July):169-210.
Author Biographies

Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora del Departamento de  Historia de la Comunicación Social  de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Dirige varios cursos y es profesora  de máster y posgrado. Especialista en temática de género e historia hispanoamericana.

Graciela Padilla Castillo, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

Titular interina. Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.