Social Networking and Media Groups. An Entrepreneurial Horizon and an Opportunity for Employment

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María José Pérez Serrano
Miriam Rodríguez Pallares


Malleable to time, media groups have realized that communication leadership is also in the hands of those controlling opinion through social networking, Facebook and Twitter being prime examples as well as Tuenti, Google+, Linkedin, Instragram and Pinterest among others. This is the main reason why the media industry demands to be present in those social networks and modifies its organization and work systems in order to report the latest news, concern itself about the public’s suggestions and concerns, have contact with potential main customers and, above all, build a close rapport with the consumer. All this represents, from our viewpoint, an excellent opportunity for employment for our graduates in Communication Studies who must ignore neither the university institutions nor the students themselves if they want to take the lead in a more and more complex and competitive labor market.


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How to Cite
Pérez Serrano, María José, and Miriam Rodríguez Pallares. 2015. “Social Networking and Media Groups. An Entrepreneurial Horizon and an Opportunity for Employment”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 37 (July):111-50.
Author Biography

María José Pérez Serrano, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

María José Pérez Serrano es licenciada en Periodismo, doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y MBA en la especialidad de Gestión Financiera. Su tesis doctoral ha sido merecedora del Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado del curso académico 2006-2007. Está acreditada por la ANECA como Profesor Ayudante Doctor, Profesor de Universidad Privada y Profesor Contratado Doctor.