From The Story to Film Animation: Semiology of Digital Storytelling

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Carmen Cantillo Valero


In this paper, discourses reproduced through all kinds of media are questioned by analyzing similarities & differences and to what extent they can be studied to control the stories. Stories, like cinema, games, and theater, are used to build up child identity. However, have we stopped to think about the techniques –affective excitement- which are found in current practice? Are we educating our children in a culturally responsive way or are we letting multinational companies to educate our children? The aim of this essay, therefore, is to raise questions that try to denature this type of narratives, so that, through education, participation, transgression, perverse reading and alternative and an alternative and dissident look we may be able to recover the freedom to create our stories and identities. Without any mercantilist influences.



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How to Cite
Cantillo Valero, Carmen. 2015. “From The Story to Film Animation: Semiology of Digital Storytelling”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 38 (November):115-40.
Author Biography

Carmen Cantillo Valero, UNED

Profesora colaboradora Dpto. Didácticas Especiales UNED


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