Suicide and Freedom of Press: Between Public Relevance and Responsibility

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Agustín Olmo López
Diego García Fernández


In Spain suicide is the first violent death cause, even before traffic accidents. Traditionally mass media stick to a non-written rule that recommends not to report about suicides in order to avoid a “copycat” effect. However, media focus has aimed towards suicides linked to other processes such as evictions, and that fact has brought on questioning the utility of that self-limitation of the freedom of press. This article analyze the weight of mass media as a spreading agent of suicidal behavior, and it also displays the instruments that journalists may use to report responsibly about suicide.


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How to Cite
Olmo López, A., and García Fernández, D. (2015). Suicide and Freedom of Press: Between Public Relevance and Responsibility. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, (38), 70–114.
Author Biography

Agustín Olmo López, University of Seville

Periodismo I Universidad de Sevilla


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