Arendt and the XXI Century: The Inability to Build Utopias and Ability to Create Hell

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Juan Calvillo
Cesar Cansino
Patricia Campos


Within a forum that discusses the intellectual role of women in our country and our state, can not be overlooked example of one that knew how to be no match, but over the conditions of his time, which for more adverse which are been no impediment but stimulus were to become what it is today, an example to follow for those who are with us today and adorn the pages of this text, and that there is but recognize that they are, themselves, Being and Time. Given the risk that their contributions are lost in the dust of time, here is a brief summary of the life, work and intellectual legacy of Hannah Arendt, necessary to face the dark clouds today darken the country, the policy and best alternative to human it again, Democracy.


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Calvillo, Juan, Cesar Cansino, and Patricia Campos. 2014. “Arendt and the XXI Century: The Inability to Build Utopias and Ability to Create Hell”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35E (November):142-50.


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