Influence of social media use in students speaking in the leisure and study time

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María del Mar Soria Ibáñez


This is an x-ray of the use of social networks for part of superior and media studies, and the possible influence of tool in their learning process. Based on the daily routines of the learners are conditioned by their membership to a virtual community, we delve into the differences and similarities between the different Spanish-speaking students in the use of social networks. The chosen methodology has been the survey and the study is reflective and representative analysis that reflects the current situation of a part of the sutdents of each of the selected countries, unless it leads to categorical conclusions, but indicative.


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How to Cite
Soria Ibáñez, María del Mar. 2013. “Influence of social media use in students speaking in the leisure and study time”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 31 (July):34-51.


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