Semiotic in the Mexican Folk Architectural's Typology: The Symbols of Power, Success and Machismo

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Alma Pineda Almanza


The architecture as a form of expression, takes in the popular architecture their meanings individuals of representation. In this architecture are expressed the successes and shortcomings in the daily life. For this reason when you have the economic possibilities to "change" the home, pouring into the ideals as part of a popular imagination.

That is the reason that the semiotic takes shape, in all of these details of expression, which in the community tend to have a clear reading, it means: they change  the house to tell the rest of the people who has the economic potential, superiority or even power and machismo.



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How to Cite
Pineda Almanza, Alma. 2014. “Semiotic in the Mexican Folk Architectural’s Typology: The Symbols of Power, Success and Machismo”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35E (December):121-27.


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