Gender Differences in the Advertising Address Printed in the Pharmaceutical Industry During the Early Years of the Post-Revolutionary Mexico

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Edith Molina Carmona
José Manuel Ramos Rodríguez


This study is based on the idea of “knowledge regimes,” that is, the set of historically constructed meanings about a topic of interest to society through structuring discourses that are presumed valid. Print advertising about medicine that appeared in the Mexican media in the year 1928 was analyzed. Using some of Patrick Charaudeau’s proposals regarding the “contract of communication” in media products as a base, clear differences of gender in regard to the relationship men and women keep in the health-disease binomial were found, as well as the roles derived from this relationship. Various keys of the knowledge regimes currently prevailing in this field were found during this foundational period of mass advertisement associated with the emergence of modernization in Mexico.


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Molina Carmona, Edith, and José Manuel Ramos Rodríguez. 2014. “Gender Differences in the Advertising Address Printed in the Pharmaceutical Industry During the Early Years of the Post-Revolutionary Mexico”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35E (December):110-20.


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