Cyberbullying University Students: Diagnosis and Remedies to Intervene in Gender Violence Expressed in Networks

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Carolina Serrano Barquín
Rocio Serrano Barquín


Since the beginning of civilization, violence has manifested itself in various ways, one important key to understand human relationships. This phenomenon is not new, but its sphere of reproduction, exponentially manifested and unexpected effects. The current Information Technology and Communication (ICT) and its hurried forward have impacted visibly and invisibly all social, cultural and economic processes, becoming not only inherent but essential management and implementation as a means of personal and collective development. This form of coexistence and interaction has created a culture of the virtual, cyberspace, one cyberculture.

Without participation in social networks without messages being young is now unthinkable, says Tully (cited by Serrano et al, 2014) especially when it comes to urban youth with certain socioeconomic status. Anchoring in a peer group, being accessible for friends is based largely on intragroup communication, which also helps to differentiate the adult world from, among other things, the creation of "idolectos digital or electronic "individuals. Participation in social networks appears to involve them young people an element of social integration, association and peer relationship. However, it has also disrupted in some form their own identity because for and users of social networks there is a distinction between his "I" and real "me" virtual.

This virtual space allows them to access various personalities who buy from virtual masks that allow emerge, encourage or confront gender identities Therefore, it is assumed that networks usually fragmented identities undoubtedly interesting are reported study and learn from the perspective of gender studies in order to propose corrective reflective and their attitudes case. Therefore, it is proposed: Expand knowledge of the symbolic scenes of domestic violence appearing in new forms of socialization that employ university students from communication technologies, particularly in social networks.


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How to Cite
Serrano Barquín, Carolina, and Rocio Serrano Barquín. 2014. “Cyberbullying University Students: Diagnosis and Remedies to Intervene in Gender Violence Expressed in Networks”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35E (December):94-101.


MORALES REYNOSO Tania; SERRANO BARQUÍN, Carolina; MIRANDA GARCÍA, David y SANTOS LÓPEZ, Aristeo (2014): Ciberbullying, acoso cibernético y delitos invisibles. Experiencias psicopedagógicas. Toluca: UAEMex.

SERRANO BARQUÍN, Héctor; ZARZA DELGADO, Patricia; SERRANO BARQUÍN, Carolina y otros (2014): Violencia de género en el Estado de México. Toluca: UAEMex.