Terminal Efficiency of Students in Some Bachelor’s Degree and Postgraduate in Sciences
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This is a work based on data from school records of students in the 2000-2008 generations of degrees in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics and Applied Physics, taught at Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of the Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP) and a database of students in the Master Degree on Science in FCFM BUAP (Mathematics and Applied Physics) Science. Here are collected several results that are modeled and presented in some thesis in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. Furthermore, for the Masters and Doctorates in Science FCFM BUAP, periods of 2003-2012 for the two lines in Applied Mathematics and Physics respectively are taken. The population of women involved in postgraduate studies in the first years is generally less than a half of those enrolled, and is a relative increase in recent years. In particular, all PhD students in Applied Mathematics and Physics are having a very similar time to get the degree, but in general for all postgraduate in men is lower.
Finally, observing the terminal behavior of populations, although we see that women generally end up their degrees more than men, in the postgraduate we reviewed, men end in less time. From this information, we see a relative increase in the population of women in postgraduate in the areas of Mathematics and Applied Physics. The time of ending in general, women take longer though in recent years is approaching to men's time. In the case of postgraduate, we are still lack of statistical modeling jobs for insufficient data in that generations, but we mentioned descriptive evidence that allow us to raise conjectures.
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