A Knowledge Network Support for Research Groups

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María Antonieta Monserrat Vera Muñoz


Knowledge networks are integrated by a group of people, formally or informally, sporadically, partial or full time, working with an interest or common interests, focusing their actions in construction, development and sharing mutual knowledge.

In the XXI century where we live in a globalized society networks and knowledge play an important role as producers of knowledge and exchange and transmission thereof, based on social interaction.

In this regard it is appropriate to initiate research groups where information sharing and knowledge building among those comprising the group in the sense of an internal network is fostered as well as with researchers (actors) that integrate other groups or research networks and differences corporate and government entities. As a proposal that responds to the guiding question What are your proposals to strengthen the participation and visibility of the work carried out by researchers?

This supported at what point Basaldúa (2005; cited by Vera and Vera, 2011) knowledge networks are those both formal and informal that are generated between different actors, creating a vehicle of trust relationships in order to have access to different resources and knowledge that otherwise would not be feasible or very difficult. And Houses (2003), knowledge networks are constructed through exchanges among a set of actors who have common interests in the development and application of scientific, technological and technical knowledge for a specific purpose.

Seeking to strengthen university research by creating networks between research groups Meritorious our institution.


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How to Cite
Vera Muñoz, María Antonieta Monserrat. 2014. “A Knowledge Network Support for Research Groups”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35E (December):9-17. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2014.35E.9-17.


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