Contributions to Knowledge from Interstitial Areas. Gender and not Recognized Epistemologies
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Methodological proposals related to the generation of new knowledge have been considered at least the last thirty years. That variables are not always served by traditional academia; for example one that comes from the sociocultural practice and from various researchers as Estelle Barrett (2010) -knowledge located in the personality Brad Haseman (2006) – perfomative research- or who contributed Elliott Eisner in 1981 when he presented his Decalogue on the contributions of the arts in education over scientific methods, as they focus more on the creation of meaning, not to discover the truth.
Moreover, the focus of research from feminist epistemology has changed from a general truth to the objectivity situated (Haraway 2004; Braidotti, 2009; De Lauretis, 2004), which permeates the specific context and temporality and spatiality of the phenomenon under investigation. Methodological criteria consider the “position” of the researcher (Denzin and Lincoln) when his results are presented (Aguirre-Calleja, 2012).
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