Jose Marti, historic environment

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Pedro Brufao García


The historic surroundings of Jose Marti takes place in a world where two powers are imposed: United States and Germany. United Kingdom and France control trade and commodities, besides money. The nations and alliances between them allow the division of colonies. The seas are the great means of communication, in addition to the locomotive transporting large volumes. The steam, electricity and motor develop at high speed. Slavery is on its last legs. The Parliamentary system is limited because it is not yet universal suffrage, but is making inroads Liberalism and the democratic state arises as a guarantee of common ideals. But in this race towards progress Spain, preoccupied with its internal problems, it is falling behind. The population, impoverished, has only one output, emigration, also ideological. Political progress adds to industrial progress.



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How to Cite
Brufao García, Pedro. 2005. “Jose Marti, historic environment”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, December, 47-56.
Author Biography

Pedro Brufao García, Articulista en varias revistas y publicaciones científicas y de divulgación

Capitán de infantería de marina de la Real Armada Española. Especialista en la guerra de Cuba. Ha escrito varios artículos sobre el tema.