Thought and correspondence of Jose Marti to the journal La Nación of Argentina

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Renée Isabel Mengo


American letters charge special dimension when it comes to the work of Martí, not only as a poet-writer, but also as a libertarian land journalist. Stage is the exclusive focus on Cuban affairs. His written word is fighter, and with it he will shake consciences in newspapers such as The Nation, whose stories express the freedom, the spirit of work and opportunity for all and reflect many aspects of American society. This has led him to be considered a universal journalist.


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How to Cite
Mengo, Renée Isabel. 2005. “Thought and correspondence of Jose Marti to the journal La Nación of Argentina”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, December, 13-22.
Author Biography

Renée Isabel Mengo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Docente Adjunta en la Cátedra de Historia Social Contemporánea de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Docente Adjunta en la Facultad Regional Córdoba de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Argentina.


Halperin Donghi, T. (1980): Historia contemporánea de América Latina. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.

Marinello, J. (1977): Cronología. Editorial Ayacucho.

Mestas, J. E. (1993): El pensamiento social de José Martí. Ideología y cuestión obrera. Ed. Pliegos. Madrid.

Schultz De Mantovani, F. (1968): Genio y figura de José Martí. EUDEBA.