Philippine survives many aspects of spanish life

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Isabel Caro Wilson


The independence of the Philippines, the "disaster of 98" for Spain, accounted the assimilation of the best aspects of Spanish culture for this country, subsequenting a mixing with their own customs. Since independence, being the result of a people's claim, the Philippines has gone through certain historical facts. This facts that have led to a delay in its development path. However, now, is realizing some economic progress as a result of its determination. This is the reason because the Philippines are nicknamed "the tiger of the region."


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How to Cite
Caro Wilson, Isabel. 2005. “Philippine survives many aspects of spanish life”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 1 (March):1-5.
Author Biography

Isabel Caro Wilson, Excma. Sra. Embajadora de Filipinas en España

Nueva presidenta del centro Cultural de Filipinas. Presidenta de la Junta de varias empresas como  Business Machines Corporation, Rhine Marketing Corporation, Metals Engineering Resources Corporation, Carson Corporation y  Carson Holdings & Development Corporation. Directora del Consejo  Cultural  de Asia en Filipinas. Además destacamos otros cargos como los de Embajadora en España de Filipinas o Tesorera de la Fundación de Amigos de Cervantes y también es columnista en el Manila Chronicle.