1898: press and public opinion in Spain and the United States

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Juan Jiménez Mancha


In Spain, in early 1898, the Spanish press enjoyed a boom credibility and undeniable. Meanwhile, the United States was born the "yellow press", where the uninformed journalists from critically and malicious advantage to instill in people the view that they needed they had about the war, transformed or invented facts. Spain welcomed this idea, but after get all the juice, he came under, getting discredit and loss of thousands of readers. Thereafter, when citizens realized the deception, which continued reading the newspaper did so from a neutral point of view, avoiding deception.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Mancha, Juan. 2005. “1898: press and public opinion in Spain and the United States”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 2 (November):45-56. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.1998.2.45-56.
Author Biography

Juan Jiménez Mancha, Hemeroteca Municipal de Madrid

Profesor  docente e investigador de Derecho Civil en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España) además de Off-Counsel de Departamento de Procesal y Arbitraje en VIALEGIS DUTILH Abogados. Socio del Departamento de Procesal, Arbitraje y Concursal en Baker&McKenzie  y Responsable Departamento de Procesal en Lexfin Abogados.


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