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José Díaz-Cuesta


In the 80s Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple (1982) was pubished, and Steven Spielberg directed the adaptation of the novel to the big screen in 1985, before dealing with the Afro-American issues of Amistad (Spielberg, 1997), a film in which the topic of slavery is crudely approached. Here we propose a comparative study of Walker’s and Spielberg’s works, taking into account John Ford’s influence on the film, especially by means of The Searchers (Ford, 1956). In order to do so we revise the main features of each piece of work, and then we focus on the more detailed analysis of several fragments from both of them. The conclusion is that Spielberg is quite faithful to the original, with the addition of his personal touch and the influence that comes to him from US classical cinema.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Cuesta, José. 2005. “THE COLOR PURPLE: ALICE WALKER, STEVEN SPIELBERG, JOHN FORD”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 3 (March):1-24.
Author Biography

José Díaz-Cuesta, CILAP, Universidad de La Rioja

Profesor Contratado Doctor del área de Filología Inglesa en la Universidad de La Rioja (España), y Responsable de la Unidad de Audiovisuales de la Facultad de Letras y de la Educación de esta institución. Su investigación se centra en el estudio de las representaciones de masculinidades en textos literarios y fílmicos de autores anglo-norteamericanos, así como en las relaciones que se establecen entre ambos tipos de textos. Es autor de la monografía Hombres de Steven Spielberg (2010), y ha editado, junto con Paula Requeijo Rey, el libro Innovar en el EEES a través de la investigación (2012).


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