Walk with working children of the street

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Hildegar González Luis


The contrast in Panama in some areas and others is remarkably high. Either there is an extreme wealth, or are extremely poor. Casa Esperanza attempts to eradicate child labor that creates poverty in children from 2 to 17 years through confidence monitor that can penetrate the environment (especially family) and finally they start school, equip them vocational training, help them to get jobs worthy and then make them follow up. So, try to get child labor rates decrease and disappear.


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How to Cite
González Luis, Hildegar. 2005. “Walk with working children of the street”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 7 (March):36-46. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2001.7.36-46.
Author Biography

Hildegar González Luis, Profesora de Comunicación al Desarrollo; Comunicación Institucional; Teoría y Técnica de las Relaciones Públicas en Facultad de Comunicación de Universidad de Navarra

Profesora en el Foro Europeo (España). Licenciada en periodismo y diplomada en estudios filosóficos por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Asesora de varias OO.NN.GG. Miembro de You Media (España).